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Best Software License Option for Small and Medium Engineering Firms

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New Licensing Model Offers Flexibility, Predictability and Training.

When did software licensing become so complicated and costly—and isn’t there a simpler way?

Determining the right number of software licenses you need with the necessary training you need is a fine balance that can be difficult to achieve with conventional software licensing schemas. Not only are the cost of licenses often unpredictable, but training is rarely included, which adds a variable and potentially very high overhead expense that small and medium size businesses simply can’t afford.

Software licensing — It’s just not a “one size fits all” type of situation.

As a way to better support its clients, Virtuosity, a Bentley company, introduced a new and compelling licensing option that combines both licensing and training. This powerful combo of software and training is called the Virtuoso Subscription. It includes a 12-month practitioner license bundled with “keys” which are credits that you can use towards the training of your choice, or various expert services including mentoring and more. This bundled subscription allows companies to quickly buy, learn and utilize Bentley software.

With Virtuosity, you can:

Budget for software expenses
Businesses of all sizes appreciate knowing exactly how much their software will cost them each year, and what they appreciate even more is being able to use the software they invested in to its maximum potential without worrying about usage overages.

Get the most out of your investment
Regardless of which licensing type you choose, there is always a need for training to stay up-to-date. When training is not included with the software license, the costs all start adding up and you risk being left with software and not knowing how to use it. It’s important to be able to learn the in’s and out’s of the software you are using quickly so that you get the most out of your investment.

Virtuosity’s 12-month software licenses are affordable and come with training

Here’s how it works:
No matter what software you buy through Virtuosity.com you automatically get what we call a Virtuoso Subscription.

The Virtuoso Subscription includes your software, plus training!

The practitioner license offered through Virtuosity is a 12-month software license for a named user and can be transferred from person to person as needed. This licensing model offers flexibility, affordability, and eliminates unexpected licensing costs.


Every license includes customized product training ‘Keys’, or credits that can be redeemed for training and services. Options for training include customized instruction, one-to-one mentoring and/or on-demand learning on topics such as design, analysis and modeling techniques, simulation strategies, or even ways to improve your workflows.

Engineering and construction firms are finding that Virtuoso Subscriptions provide the cost certainty that’s often lacking in other licensing programs, with an educational/training component that is vital to ensuring productivity, efficiency, and a quick return on investment.

Check out the shop on Virtuosity.com!

Related articles:

Want to learn more about software licensing types? Read this blog as it discusses various software licensing alternatives and helps outline which license type is best for you.

Are you using your software to its max potential? Get the most out of your Bentley software with Virtuosity. Learn more in this article about the Virtuoso Subscription and your “key” to success.

Contact us if you have questions. Our software experts are here to help!



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