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Explicit vs. Implicit Time Integration in Metal Forming Analysis

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Bentley Expert

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The animation is a simulation of the flow field when one car passes another in a tunnel. The simulation demonstrates the use of the sliding mesh interface feature, which will be available in version 8.2 of ADINA.


In this application, the whole flow domain is divided into two regions and meshed separately. In each region, with the front and rear end of the region geometry fixed, the interior mesh moves as the car (modeled as a moving boundary) moves. Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian formulations are used for the moving grids. The two grids of the two regions slide past each other at the interface. A special boundary condition treatment is applied to ensure that the conservation laws of physics are satisfied at the sliding mesh interface. With this sliding mesh interface capability, a wide variety of problems with moving parts can be solved.

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