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Erstellung von 3D PDF Dateien mit MicroStation

Wenn Engineering-Abteilungen mit anderen Abteilungen oder der gesamten Lieferkette zusammenarbeiten, sind ihre 3D-CAD-Dateien oft zu groƟ fĆ¼r die Ɯbertragung. AuƟerdem benƶtigen Nutzer dieser Inhalte nur selten Zugang zu den 3D-CAD-Daten in voller Auflƶsung. Daher ist eine sichere ā€žleichtgewichtigeā€œ Darstellung in einer PDF-Datei eine ideale Lƶsung, da die originalen CAD-Daten nie weitergegeben werden.

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Natywny format DGN

MicroStation może pracować w 3 trybach pracy: V7, DGN oraz DWG. Gdy MicroStation działa w jednym z tych trybĆ³w pracy, może odczytywać i zapisywać format pliku, ktĆ³ry jest z nim związany. Co jest szczegĆ³lnie istotne w przypadku formatu DWG. Formaty plikĆ³w projektowych V7, DGN i DWG są obsługiwane w MicroStation.

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Deliver a 3D PDF with MicroStation

A 3D PDF (Portable Document Format) is a PDF file with 3D geometry inside. The file contains a 3D geometric representation of the model, not just images from different viewpoints. Using any 3D PDF enabled viewer, rotation, zoom, and part selection are available within the 3D view. This is often used for documentation, sharing, and collaboration. Learn why a 3D PDF is the ultimate 3D model viewer and how MicroStation can deliver your designs in a 3D PDF format.

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Native DGN, the File Format of Choice for Infrastructure Projects

The CAD software MicroStation understands and respects your need for supporting the designs you created in the past. These old files can still be used as they are, without any conversion. We advise converting older files to DGN V8 format, but you do not have to. MicroStation provides greater flexibility by working in three modes ā€“ DGN V7, DGN V8, and DWG. When MicroStation operates in one of these Work modes, it can read and write the file format that goes with it.

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