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Usando o Darwin Designer para Dimensionamento Automatizado

Primeiramente, o WaterGEMS Ć© uma aplicaĆ§Ć£o para modelagem hidrĆ”ulica, com ambiente e interface amigĆ”veeis. Ɖ capaz de analisar, dimensionar e otimizar redes de abastecimento de Ć”gua. Neste artigo nĆ³s vamos conhecer melhor a ferramenta Darwin Designer do WaterGEMS. O WaterGEMS possuĆ­ uma capacidade superior para:

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Herramienta Darwin Designer para un DiseƱo AutomƔtico

WaterGEMS es una aplicaciĆ³n de modelaciĆ³n hidrĆ”ulica que proporciona un entorno fĆ”cil de usar para analizar, diseƱar y optimizar de forma confiable sistemas de distribuciĆ³n de agua. AdemĆ”s, WaterGEMS posee grandes capacidades para realizar lo siguiente: Operaciones HidrĆ”ulicas, CreaciĆ³n de…

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Academic Assumptions

Real-world problems are ugly, and simplifications and assumptions need to be made to make the problem solvable. The researchers tend to gloss over these assumptionsā€”if they mention them at all. I think many researchers may not even realize that they are making them. Most researchers are graduate students and their advisors, who have never worked on real-world problems. As a starting point for their work, they rely on prior research papers that contain assumptions that the prior authors did not mention. As a result, real-world complications are often lost in legacy papers.

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Time for a Quiz

Last fall, I did a hydraulics quiz and readers seemed to enjoy it. So, hereā€™s another one. See how you do and feel free to share. Answers are at the end, but donā€™t peek.

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My Obsession with Dimensionless Numbers

In my work in water and wastewater hydraulics, the two that show up most of the time are the Reynolds number and Froude number. A small Reynolds number indicates that viscous forces dominate, while a large value says that inertial forces dominate. A large Froude number indicates rapid flow, while a small number points to tranquil flow.

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Automated Design in Sanitary/Storm Network Design

SewerGEMS can automatically size conduits, set node invert elevations. It also determines the size of inlets to pass a Sanitary/Storm design while meeting user-specified constraints in automated design.Ā It allows you to design many parts of the sewer network from a single pipe size to the entire system. Using SewerCAD/StormCAD engine using the GVF Rational solver in CivilStorm and using the GVF Rational or GVF Convex solver. Pipes and structures designed to consider several constraints such as allowable ranges of slope, velocity, and cover. The design algorithm attempts to minimize excavation, which is typically the most expensive part of installing sewer piping and structures. SewerGEMS can automatically design the inlet opening length for the inlet at any catch basin element in the network. You can modify the constraints for just an individual element. You just need to check- Specify Local Pipe (Inlet) Constraints box associated with that element. In order to use automated design, you must set all conduits to the correct shape and material, as well as set an initial conduit size. The automated design routine will select appropriate section sizes from the conduit catalog. If you want to ‘preserve’ certain conduits so that the design routine does not change

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Gravity vs. Pressure Sewers ā€“ Who Wins?

One of the most fundamental decisions made in wastewater collection system design is choosing between a gravity or pressure sewer system. (Yes, there are other options such as septic tanks, vacuum systems, and onsite treatment, but once you decide on a central system of any significant size, gravity and pressure are usually the primary options.)

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