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Estructuras BIMparables con Bentley STAAD&RAM

Como ingenieros del sector AEC, hemos observado la adopción generalizada de modelos de información de construcción (BIM). Durante los últimos cinco años, un nuevo término, gemelo digital de infraestructura, ha ido ocupando un lugar central. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre BIM y un gemelo digital de infraestructura? Como ingenieros estructurales utilizamos software para crear modelos 3D para análisis y diseño, entonces, ¿estamos creando BIM o gemelos digitales de infraestructura? BIM es una capacidad de visualización estática empleada durante las fases de diseño y construcción de un edificio. BIM integra todas las disciplinas en un modelo basado en CAD. El propósito de un BIM es permitir la colaboración entre disciplinas y visualizar restricciones espaciales. BIM sirve como datos fundamentales utilizados para crear un gemelo digital de infraestructura. Por ejemplo, su modelo de análisis estructural 3D se puede exportar y traducir al formato CAD para usarlo en BIM. Un gemelo digital de infraestructura es una representación virtual de una entidad del mundo real, sincronizada con una frecuencia y fidelidad específicas. Los datos en tiempo real de los sensores y el Internet de las cosas (IoT) están vinculados al modelo digital preciso conforme a obra. El gemelo digital de infraestructura sirve como centro

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BIMpressive Structures with STAAD & RAM

As engineers in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) sector, we have observed the widespread adoption of building information modeling (BIM). Over the past five years, the term “infrastructure digital twin” has taken center stage. What is the difference between BIM and an infrastructure digital twin? As structural engineers, we use software to create 3D models for analysis and design—so are we creating BIMs or infrastructure digital twins? BIM is a static visualization capability employed during the design and construction phases of a building. BIM integrates all disciplines into a CAD-based model. The purpose of BIM is to enable collaboration between disciplines and visualize spatial constraints. BIM serves as foundational data used to create an infrastructure digital twin. For example, your 3D structural analysis model can be exported and translated into a CAD format for use in BIM. An infrastructure digital twin is a virtual representation of a real-world entity, synchronized at a specified frequency and fidelity. Real-time data from sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT) are linked to the accurate as-built digital model. The infrastructure digital twin serves as the smart building hub for owners and operators to schedule maintenance and ensure that the building is operating optimally.

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How RAM Concept streamlines post-tension design projects with ease

Bentley Systems’ STAAD and RAM products have been long-time industry leaders in structural design and analysis software solutions. Bentley’s RAM Concept is the ultimate structural designer’s solution for post-tensioned and conventionally reinforced slabs, mats, and rafts with exceptional visibility into the compliance, efficiency, and practicality of the design. Nicholas Adomat is an esteemed project manager in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and relies on RAM Concept for all his ambitious structural projects. After graduating from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, Adomat worked as a structural engineer where he learned RAM Concept and was immediately impressed by its advanced functionalities and post-tension capabilities and, since then, has continued to use RAM Concept’s powerful design and analysis features for each of his projects. “In terms of the software that I’ve used for slab design, I find RAM Concept is the most streamlined and easiest to use, and it’s good at what it does” he explains. Now, Adomat is a project manager at Fast + Epp, an international structural consulting company with roots in Vancouver. Known for handling an extensive variety of projects, Fast + Epp is currently developing a groundbreaking 7.9-acre master planned community featuring concrete multi-high-rise structures requiring post tension design. Brentwood

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New Civil Engineer Article Spotlights WSP Success with RAM and PLAXIS on Principal Tower

An Innovative Project from WSP In the September 3, 2021 issue of New Civil Engineer, an innovative project from WSP is featured: “The addition of yet another high rise development to London’s skyline is not particularly uncommon. But the construction of the 50 storey Principal Tower, which includes two basement levels, required an innovative engineering approach, as it faced numerous site constraints and the challenge of protecting neighbouring rail assets.  Commissioned by a joint venture partnership of developers Brookfield, Concord Pacific and W1 Developments, the building’s layout features an unusual design, comprising three shapes arranged to make a cruciform measuring less than 25m by 25m.  Within the mixed-use building, amenities include a pool, spa, gym, cinema and lounge. The tower is part of the wider Principal Place development, which includes smaller mixed-use buildings and Amazon’s new London headquarters.” Read the rest of the article from New Civil Engineer. Read More Gallery With RAM Concept and PLAXIS, WSP created a more efficient design that reduced both material and labor costs. Because of limited space, the GBP 200 million project required a viable design to move forward. Software RAM Concept With RAM Concept, you can economically design post-tensioned and reinforced concrete floors including

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Dam Safety in an Earthquake

An earthquake can cause a dam to crack or dislocate, or even cause its component blocks to detach. The damage can result in uncontrolled water release or a catastrophic flood. Numerical methods such as finite element analysis play an important role in assessing the possible seismic damage to dams. In this blog post, we show how ADINA was used by a team of engineers in Switzerland for this challenging task.

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Success Story | Dhirubhai Ambani International Convention & Exhibition Centre

The USD 160 million Dhirubhai Ambani International Convention & Exhibition Centre (CEC) is an 8-million-square-foot complex that includes a 2,000-seat theater, exhibition halls, high-end retail spaces, offices, and premium residences. Developed by Reliance Industries Ltd., the center will provide a world-class convention and exhibition venue in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

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