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Diseño Automatizado de Redes Sanitarias / Pluviales

SewerGEMS tiene la capacidad de dimensionar conductos, establecer elevaciones de plantilla (invert elevations), determinar el tamaño de las captaciones, así como generar un diseño sanitario/pluvial automáticamente, al mismo tiempo que cumple con las restricciones especificadas por el usuario en el diseño automatizado.

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Dimensionamento Automatizado para Redes de Esgoto e de Drenagem

SewerGEMS é capaz de dimensionar automaticamente tubos, bueiros e estruturas hidráulicas além de determinar cotas de fundo. Além de ser capaz de dimensionsionar atendendo diversas restrições definidas pelos usuários durante o dimensionamento automatizado, como faixas permitidas de inclinação, velocidade recobrimento e tensão trativa.

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Usando o Darwin Designer para Dimensionamento Automatizado

Primeiramente, o WaterGEMS é uma aplicação para modelagem hidráulica, com ambiente e interface amigáveeis. É capaz de analisar, dimensionar e otimizar redes de abastecimento de água. Neste artigo nós vamos conhecer melhor a ferramenta Darwin Designer do WaterGEMS. O WaterGEMS possuí uma capacidade superior para:

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Herramienta Darwin Designer para un Diseño Automático

WaterGEMS es una aplicación de modelación hidráulica que proporciona un entorno fácil de usar para analizar, diseñar y optimizar de forma confiable sistemas de distribución de agua. Además, WaterGEMS posee grandes capacidades para realizar lo siguiente: Operaciones Hidráulicas, Creación de…

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Academic Assumptions

Real-world problems are ugly, and simplifications and assumptions need to be made to make the problem solvable. The researchers tend to gloss over these assumptions—if they mention them at all. I think many researchers may not even realize that they are making them. Most researchers are graduate students and their advisors, who have never worked on real-world problems. As a starting point for their work, they rely on prior research papers that contain assumptions that the prior authors did not mention. As a result, real-world complications are often lost in legacy papers.

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Time for a Quiz

Last fall, I did a hydraulics quiz and readers seemed to enjoy it. So, here’s another one. See how you do and feel free to share. Answers are at the end, but don’t peek.

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My Obsession with Dimensionless Numbers

In my work in water and wastewater hydraulics, the two that show up most of the time are the Reynolds number and Froude number. A small Reynolds number indicates that viscous forces dominate, while a large value says that inertial forces dominate. A large Froude number indicates rapid flow, while a small number points to tranquil flow.

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