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How Many Different Kinds of Water Demands Are There?

A key input to a water distribution system model is the demand assigned to locations in the system. For most of the history of modeling and most models today, these demands are based on a known volumetric flow rate. Some, however, would argue that all water leaves the system through some kind of pressurized orifice and demands should be modeled as pressure-dependent. Software today, like OpenFlows WaterGEMS, has the ability to model demands as volume-based or pressure-dependent.

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Collection system models like OpenFlows SewerGEMS are a powerful tool in their toolbox to assess the problem and develop solutions. The requirement is to develop a method to produce hydrographs based on a simple and reproduceable approach using data that are readily available. The most successful methods can reproduce the total quantity of I&I, the time to peak and the duration of the recession limb of the hydrograph.

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Pumping Downhill

To maintain adequate self-cleaning velocity, you need smaller pipes, which means you need to pump. By varying the diameter in model runs, you can look at the effect of trading off velocity vs. head loss.

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Extending Pump Curves

A key input to any model with pumps is some form of pump head curve showing flow vs. pump head. Given the curve, the model can tell the user the exact point on the pump curve at which the pump will operate.

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Whatā€™s a Digital Twin for Water and Wastewater?

These days, I get involved in a lot of discussions about ā€œdigital twinsā€. One of the most common questions is, ā€œWhat is a digital twin?ā€ With so many people talking about this, you would think that by now there would be a clear definition. Several organizations have written definitions. I sit on an AWWA Committee whose mission is partly to come up with a definition. So far, we havenā€™t come up with the perfect definition, and we probably wonā€™t.

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DiseƱo Automatizado de Redes Sanitarias / Pluviales

SewerGEMS tiene la capacidad de dimensionar conductos, establecer elevaciones de plantilla (invert elevations), determinar el tamaƱo de las captaciones, asƭ como generar un diseƱo sanitario/pluvial automƔticamente, al mismo tiempo que cumple con las restricciones especificadas por el usuario en el diseƱo automatizado.

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Dimensionamento Automatizado para Redes de Esgoto e de Drenagem

SewerGEMS Ć© capaz de dimensionar automaticamente tubos, bueiros e estruturas hidrĆ”ulicas alĆ©m de determinar cotas de fundo. AlĆ©m de ser capaz de dimensionsionar atendendo diversas restriƧƵes definidas pelos usuĆ”rios durante o dimensionamento automatizado, como faixas permitidas de inclinaĆ§Ć£o, velocidade recobrimento e tensĆ£o trativa.

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