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Success Story | Blackwell Group Picks CivilStorm for Their Stormwater Modeling Solution

The Blackwell Group is a multidisciplinary engineering firm located in Virginia that performs work in the residential, commercial, and government sectors. Stormwater design and site grading are just a few of the many services that Blackwell Group offers. In a typical stormwater project, the Blackwell Group designs a grading plan for a proposed redevelopment or new development. While creating the grading plan, they evaluate stormwater impacts of both pre- and post-development by performing hydrologic studies for the 2-, 10-, and 100-year storm events.

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Real-Time Model Maintenance

In many cases, the modeler can simply grab the latest calibrated model from the master planning study and apply it to address an operational problem. However, water and wastewater systems are constantly evolving as new facilities are brought online, customers are added, or adjustments are made to system operations.

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Water Quality and Living at the Bottom of a Bag

In general, water quality tends to deteriorate with water age as disinfectant residual decreases, microbial activity increases, and disinfectant by-products increase. Locations at the end of long dead-end pipes generally have the highest water age and hence the poorest water quality.

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Are Your Pressure Gauges Calibrated?

Pumps & Systems magazine had a good article recently on the need to calibrate pressure gauges. They pointed out that pressure gauges (and sensors) tend to lose accuracy over time; specifically, that gauges should be calibrated at a regular interval, suggesting annually as typical.

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Including Disinfection By-Products in a Multi-Species Decay Model to Support Cost-Effective Chlorination

In the blog A Multi-Species Decay Model to Support Cost-Effective Chlorination in Distribution Systems, a cost-effective chlorination strategy is defined as the least-cost combination of doses (locations and rates) that achieves effective chlorination for a given stable flow regime and water temperature. Searching for such a strategy requires extended-period simulations for many dosing location and rate combinations.

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A Multi-Species Decay Model to Support Cost-Effective Chlorination in Distribution Systems

Water utilities are required to achieve effective chlorination by maintaining a detectable free chlorine concentration to the system extremities. The initial dose required to inactivate pathogens may subsequently completely react with chemical contaminants remaining after treatment but before the water reaches these extremities. Then, either the initial dose must be increased, or booster doses are required at intermediate locations.

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