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SACS Material Take-Off

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Bentley Expert

Pile structures underneath offshore oil and gas platform


Material Take-off is an essential, yet time-consuming affair, associated with very basics of construction industry and Oil & Gas construction is no exception. But with SACS, things are easier than ever! In this article, we will see how to perform a Material Take-Off Analysis using SACS’ step-by-step procedure. This online comprehensive training takes you through the generation of a MTO input file and subsequently use this input file in the Analysis Generator for a detailed MTO Analysis. The final MTO output report may include both structural and foundation elements, weldments, cathodic protections along with the cost analysis of the materials as per users discretion. Finally, we will also see how to compare the results of the total member weight and the structure CoG with the modelling output obtained from Precede. ā€‹
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Here in this example, the user needs a basic SACS input jacket model to start with. The following video explains the complete workflow and how to make a head start into this important feature in SACSā€¦ā€¦ā€‹

The Workflow:

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