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Tomas Kellner Profile Image

by Tomas Kellner

New Orleans is home to awe-inspiring music, food and street parties. But let’s not forget equally awe-inspiring infrastructure, which keeps the Big Easy dry. That was evident in early March when New Orleans entered “Deep...

Water Recent Articles

Every once in a while, I hear someone saying that digitalization (or going digital) is the next big thing in the water industry. Don’t look now but digitalization is here, and it has been here for a few decades. At...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

The landscape of the Middle East has been one of the biggest challenges in the region, which has brought about challenges like water scarcity. Though organizations across the globe are working relentlessly to tackle this major threat, the efforts need...

Sarah Rizvi Profile Image

by Sarah Rizvi

We all want superpowers. At least I do. Maybe we’re not faster than a speeding bullet or can leap tall buildings in a single bound, but your digital twin can give your team members who operate your water distribution systems...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” is one of literature’s most memorable opening paragraphs which also includes the contrasts of wisdom & incredulity, light & dark, and hope & despair (from Charles Dicken’s, A...

Gregg Herrin Profile Image

by Gregg Herrin

Being close to water is something that brings color, peace, and happiness to many. I’ve found that these sentiments are felt not only by those lounging on a beach or strolling on turquoise shores but also by the many stakeholders...

Cecilia Correia Profile Image

by Cecilia Correia

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) is more than six months old, and we are now squarely in its “implementation” period where different federal agencies with jurisdiction over the IIJA implement their pieces of it through federal programs. As...

David Lieberman Profile Image

by David Lieberman

Aerial view of the Diablo Dam in Washington. It’s one of the three facilities located on the Skagit River listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Courtesy of HDRWe love epic engineering sagas. TV shows like Modern Marvels, Impossible...

Sandra DiMatteo Profile Image

by Sandra DiMatteo

If you receive any water-oriented professional magazines or go through the innumerable marketing material that fills your inbox every day, you’ll see that Artificial Intelligence and its subset machine learning (ML) are going to solve all of our problems. Just...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

Groundwater quenches the thirst of over 2,500,000,000 humans every day. In addition to home use, more than 40% of the world’s agriculture is irrigated by groundwater. Generations of water diviners, geologists, and thirsty humans have sought this valuable natural resource....

Shar Govindan Profile Image

by Shar Govindan

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