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Hydraulics & Hydrology Recent Articles

In todayā€™s fast-expanding digital ecosystem, the tools that had long comprised a trusted arsenal for transportation engineering are now constrained. Digital workflows and adopting 3D and Building Information Management (BIM) for design, engineering, and production are progressively required to streamline...
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by Bentley Expert

An important step in selecting pumps is developing the system head curve, which gives the head needed to move various flow rates through a pumped system. The shape of this curve depends on The lift to be provided between tank...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

If you pick up most water-related journals these days, it seems as if half the papers are devoted to applying some optimization techniques to solve some real problem. However, almost none of these methods actually find their way into water...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

Flow control valve (FCV) elements are the most abused elements in WaterGEMS/WaterCAD. If I had my way, I would eliminate them as model elements. In the many years I have been working with water and wastewater systems, I canā€™t recall...

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by Tom Walski

One of the more common questions I get is, ā€œWhat is the target velocity I should achieve when Iā€™m flushing a water main?ā€ As with most questions Iā€™m asked, the initial response is, ā€œIt depends. Why are you flushing in...

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by Tom Walski

Before any water utility starts working on detailed plans and specificationsā€•which Iā€™ll refer to as ā€œDesignā€ in this blogā€•for water distribution and wastewater collection system projects, there is a phase that typically involves the word ā€œPlanning.ā€ The one consistent aspect...

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by Tom Walski

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