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Hydraulics & Hydrology Recent Articles

Before any water utility starts working on detailed plans and specifications―which I’ll refer to as “Design” in this blog―for water distribution and wastewater collection system projects, there is a phase that typically involves the word “Planning.” The one consistent aspect...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

Most of us are familiar with the concept of “triage” in medical emergencies. During large-scale crises, medical staff can only treat a certain number of patients. To prioritize which patients receive treatment first, they apply the principle of “the greatest...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

“Variable frequency drives (VFDs) are valuable technology, and they always save energy in water and wastewater system pumping.” The first part of that statement is true, and the second part is generally true but not always. There are exceptions that...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

Engineers and scientists love graphs. With one image, they can convey as much information as many pages of text and do it in a way that can be clearly visualized. Nowadays, with software, we can do so much more with...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

Circular Water Solution LLC is an engineering consulting firm that was founded by Dr. Jinghua “Jing” Xiao in 2023. Circular Water Solution focuses on helping water utilities and industrial clients to increase efficiency and decrease risk. Dr. Xiao has over...

Linsey Henderson Profile Image

by Linsey Henderson

For academic researchers, “Impact Factors” is a familiar term – it is designed to measure the impact of your publications. If you are outside of the academic world, you have probably never encountered it, but how much do these metrics...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

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