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Communication Tower Design Recent Articles

FieldSync Technologies Case Study Overview Organization: FieldSync TechnologiesLocation: Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA Project Objectives: To digitize data collection and site analytics for lifecycle tower asset management. To establish digital twins to maximize the value of tower site assessments. Products Used:...

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by Bentley Expert

We are now witnessing the tectonic shift of technologyā€™s influence on business. As organizations are trying to remain competitive and increase their profitability, they are now reframing their goals and strategies, even if the mission remains the same....
Apurba Tribedi Profile Image

by Apurba Tribedi

Due to the ever-increasing demand for data along with reliable connections, telecom owners are increasingly trying to digitize their workflow to accurately understand available spaces, estimate tower ratings for proposed loading, understand defects and more importantly updating their inventory with...

by Dylan Wroblewski

Bentleyā€™s OpenTower Designer offers scenario analysis, a unique and innovative capability within the platform, that improves the telecom tower analysis workflow to complete projects faster....
Apurba Tribedi Profile Image

by Apurba Tribedi

Do you have remaining budget? Are you wondering what to do for your end of year budget spending? This article will provide guidance on how to spend your end of year budget when you have remaining funds that need to...

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by Bentley Expert

OpenTower Designer enables designers, engineers, and owner-operators to efficiently design, modify, manage, and maintain towers and validate their designs against multiple standards and codes ā€“ all within the same workflow and interface....
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by Bentley Expert

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