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Why Run PLAXIS 3D Analysis?

Geotechnical engineers usually prefer to carry out 2D numerical analyses because FE models are simpler and faster to set up, plus, they are also quicker to run and post-process. On the other hand, 2D models will never fully reflect the true 3D reality of the problem at stake and might often lead to overly conservative results. However, 3D models are more accurate and realistic, but could represent a significantly larger time investment.

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Special Materials

Geotechnical applications often involve structures and other objects that interact with the surrounding soil. Although soil behaviour is generally more critical and complex than that of embedded structures, it is important that structures are modelled with the same accuracy as the soil.

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Rock Behaviour

Although PLAXIS has its roots in soft soil, it is well equipped for finite element analyses in hard soils and rocks. In addition to dedicated facilities for the modelling of tunnels, rock bolts and field stress conditions, it includes the necessary constitutive models to simulate the behaviour of various types of rock. It is important to note that rock behaviour (even the same rock formation) can vary a lot from one place to another, because of local irregularities.

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Liquefaction and Earthquake Modelling

Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering is a special discipline in our profession. It requires understanding of the terminology and methods that are necessary to safely design structures against earthquakes as well as understanding of the features of soil behaviour under dynamic and cyclic loading, including liquefaction.

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The Soft-Soil and Soft-Soil Creep Model

Model parameters can be easily obtained from standard site investigation data. A finite element analysis using the Soft Soil model is more accurate and realistic than when using a simple model, at least when dealing with soft soils. And, more importantly, it provides a safe solution when stability is at stake.

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The Hardening Soil model

The Hardening Soil model is such a model that captures several features of real soil behaviour; both for sandy soils as well as for clays and silts. In this article I will further explain some practical details of the Hardening Soil model with the purpose to take away some fear and encourage you to use this model in your next geotechnical application.

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On the Importance of an Appropriate Soil Model

Numerical modelling of geotechnical applications requires appropriate soil models to obtain realistic and accurate results. In this respect, a simplified model like the linear elastic perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb model can be regarded as inappropriate, since it lacks important features of real soil behaviour. If you are still addicted to Mohr-Coulomb, itā€™s time to move on. In this blog I will explain why, and what are the better alternatives.

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The Virtuoso Subscription helps ACQUATECNO S.R.L. Develop the New Commercial Port of Fiumicino

Location: Lazio, Italy Project Fiumicino lies in the coastal area next to Rome, Italy and it is well-known worldwide for being the largest airport in Italy. A large fleet of fishing vessels are moored in Fiumicino, along the embankments near the mouth of the Tiber River and as a result it needs a safer and larger infrastructure for all the related activities. Aiming also to develop an important Ro-Ro and Ro-Pax traffic, a comfortable cruise-ship hub and large shipyard areas, the local Port System Authority commissioned Acquatecno S.r.l. (leading company in coastal engineering, port planning and design of maritime structures) to develop the project of a new commercial port. The new port will be built on the northern side of the Tiber delta in a coastal area that needs regeneration and redevelopment.

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Mesh Operations with PLAXIS Designer

Brief/Background To begin with, PLAXIS DesignerĀ is an easy-to-use application for building 3D conceptual models. It can help you overcome the challenges of merging and analyzing data. With Bentleyā€™s open modeling environment,Ā PLAXIS DesignerĀ enables you to visualize and manipulate geotechnical site data such as topology, boreholes, piezometers, and other field instrumentation data, as well as engineering staged construction and design. We can import Geostrata based on borehole data, or from one of many different file formats. Surfaces can be represented as grids or as triangulated surfaces (TINs). Once we create the 3D geometry, we can export it to numerical models in the form of 2D slices or as full 3D models. This will reduce overall design and prototyping time in this system.In this article, we have a look at the various Mesh operations in PLAXIS Designer Mesh Operations withĀ PLAXIS Designer These videos expand on the aspects of Mesh operations for an open-pit example, including:Ā  Merge into new surface: AĀ single newĀ surfaceĀ that is the result of combining any number of selected surfaces together. Where multiple input surfaces are defined in a region, only the highest or lowest geometry will be kept (as chosen in the dialog). Merge into new surface Carve Overlaps: Modifies any

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