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PLAXIS for Deep Underground Excavation in Rock Mass

Rock at depth is subjected to stresses resulting from the weight of the overlying strata and from locked-in stresses of tectonic origin. When an opening is excavated in this rock, the stress field is locally disrupted and a new set of stresses are induced in the rock surrounding the opening. A knowledge of the magnitudes and directions of these in situ and induced stresses is an essential component of underground excavation design since, in many cases, the strength of the rock is exceeded and the resulting instability can have serious consequences on the behavior of the excavations.

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Numerical Analysis and Analytical Calculations of 3D Effects on Pullout Capacity of Anchor Blocks: Case Study in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

In both analytical and numerical approaches, a significant increment in anchor block pullout capacity was observed after considering the 3D effects over those capacities obtained by considering 2D analysis. As a result, this helps in avoiding underestimation of an anchor blockā€™s pullout capacity and thereby aids in the optimization of anchor block design. In addition, it was promising to note that pullout capacities obtained after considering the 3D effects from both approaches are very close in their magnitudes.

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