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How to Overcome the Top 3 Travel Demand Modeling Challenges with AGENT

ā€œAGENT is a great step up from conventional modeling software. We were amazed by the fast development time, the ease of incorporating steps, the transparency of the models, and the quick runtimeā€Ā  Jerusalem Transportation Master Plan TeamĀ  The Barriers to Advancing Travel Demand Models Transport planning agencies around the world rely on forecasts from travel models to evaluate mobility infrastructure, policy, and multimodal transport systems. This helps ensure they support the regional demands for accessibility, economic growth, and quality of environment. Today, planners are being asked questions about new mobility trends, including remote work, and new technologies and services, such as autonomous vehicles and mobility as a service. As a result, the travel models that have been used to provide decision support are undergoing generational change, both to capture new sensitivities to individual travel behavior, and to take advantage of new and changing mobility data sources.Ā Ā  In a recent survey conducted by the Mobility Simulation team at Bentley Systems, transport modelers were asked about the challenges they faced in maintaining or advancing their travel demand model in todayā€™s environment. The top three responses, shared by over half of all respondents, were 1) the time/effort to develop a model, 2) the

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