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La serie de artĆ­culos ā€œPotencie sus anĆ”lisis con PLAXISā€ analizarĆ” las aplicaciones de ingenierĆ­a de rocas, sus desafĆ­os y los recursos que los modeladores numĆ©ricos e ingenieros geotĆ©cnicos pueden usar para resolver estos problemas mediante el uso del software de...
Miquel Lahoz Profile Image

by Miquel Lahoz

El modelado constitutivo de macizos rocosos fracturados ha sido un tema de interƩs desde hace mucho tiempo, y se desarrollaron numerosos modelos en un intento de simular sus respuestas mecƔnicas. Estos modelos se dividen en dos grupos: modelos discretos y...
Richard Witasse Profile Image

by Richard Witasse

El mĆ©todo de convergencia-confinamiento es una herramienta bĆ”sica para las estructuras subterrĆ”neas de fortificaciĆ³n en tĆŗneles convencionales durante la etapa preliminar de diseƱo....
Richard Witasse Profile Image

by Richard Witasse

In todayā€™s fast-expanding digital ecosystem, the tools that had long comprised a trusted arsenal for transportation engineering are now constrained. Digital workflows and adopting 3D and Building Information Management (BIM) for design, engineering, and production are progressively required to streamline...
Bentley Expert Profile Image

by Bentley Expert

In todayā€™s fast-expanding digital ecosystem, the tools that had long comprised a trusted arsenal for transportation engineering are now constrained. Digital workflows and adopting 3D and Building Information Management (BIM) for design, engineering, and production are progressively required to streamline...
Bentley Expert Profile Image

by Bentley Expert

Todd Danielson, editorial director of Informed Infrastructure, sat down with Geoff McDonald, senior product manager for offshore structural engineering products; and Seth Guthrie, P.E., S.E., director of product management for structural engineering, to discuss advancements in offshore structural products. They...

Bentley Expert Profile Image

by Bentley Expert

Project Building and transporting heavy platform jackets is a complex process under normal conditions. However, Sapura Energy Berhad had just one year to build three jackets in Malaysia and transport them to Al Shaheed Field, Quatarā€™s largest offshore oil field....

by Al Shaheen Field, Ras Laffan

An important step in selecting pumps is developing the system head curve, which gives the head needed to move various flow rates through a pumped system. The shape of this curve depends on The lift to be provided between tank...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

If you pick up most water-related journals these days, it seems as if half the papers are devoted to applying some optimization techniques to solve some real problem. However, almost none of these methods actually find their way into water...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

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