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CAD Manager's guide to a smooth CAD transition with tips on determining the right software, transitioning to MicroStation, and preparing for change....
April Reed Profile Image

by April Reed

We have made significant improvements to OpenFlows. The introduction of the new 2D solver allows for a more comprehensive analysis of urban flooding models, integrating both 1D and 2D analyses.

Julio Issao Profile Image

by Julio Issao

One of my favorite topics is the history of modeling. I talk about it whenever I can find someone who is willing to listen. Bentley’s podcast series, “Future of Intelligent Water Infrastructure Series,” gives me such an opportunity. I just...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

Con los gobiernos de todo el mundo gastando más en proyectos de infraestructura, desde autopistas y puentes hasta ferrocarriles y tránsito, la industria civil pesada se está moviendo hacia el uso de más flujos de trabajo digitales 3D/4D y...

Megan Tigue Profile Image

by Megan Tigue

With governments around the world spending more on infrastructure projects, from road and bridge to rail and transit, the heavy civil industry is moving toward utilizing more 3D/4D digital workflows and collaborative project delivery processes. By extending the value...

Megan Tigue Profile Image

by Megan Tigue

Introduction: Building on a Solid Foundation: Why do we design before we build? It’s not just a philosophical question but a practical one. In the realm of geotechnical engineering, the difference between simply erecting a structure and meticulously planning it...

Hamzah M. B. Al-Hashemi Profile Image

by Hamzah M. B. Al-Hashemi

Pretty much every water and wastewater system these days of any size has a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system. We just take them for granted. However, water systems were built and operated for many years before the coming...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

Nitya Nayra Civil Solutions Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India Nakul Suhane, a highway engineer for the firm, speaks about how OpenRoads™ improved visualization and communication on the project.

Bentley Expert Profile Image

by Bentley Expert

You get a pressure reading of 62 psi. What does that mean? Is it: 62.0000 psi 62 +/- 5 psi Somewhere around 62 psi Who really cares? A lot depends on why you are collecting that data. Is it just...

Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

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