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How Does Your Pipe Stress Software Access ASME B31J i-Factors and k-Factors?

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Phil Senior

Industrial pipelines against a clear sky.
Industrial pipelines against a clear sky.


In the 2020 updates, both the ASME B31.1 Power Piping code and ASME B31.3 Process Piping code have mandated the use of ASME B31J, Stress Intensification Factors (i-Factors), Flexibility Factors (k-Factors) and their determination for Metallic Piping Components, removing the traditional Appendix D, Flexibility, and Stress Intensification Factors (SIF) from the codes.

For the Power Piping code, the equations had to change significantly to accommodate in-plane, out-of-plane, and torsional moment indexes that replaced the single SIF from Appendix D that had already been adopted in the Process Piping code several years ago.

The AutoPIPE team made the proactive decision to develop in-house their own solution for ASME B31J, benchmarked against other third party solutions, to maintain full control over how it would be used. This solution was first made available in the Version 11.03 release in April 2018 as an option for ASME B31.1 and B31.3 code years from 2012.

Is It Easy to Code Check My Designs for ASME B31J with AutoPIPE?

Using the B31J capability in AutoPIPE is very easy. Simply check the box and your results will automatically use ASME B31J values instead of those from Appendix D. You may switch between the two methods at any time to see the influence of the new approach for the earlier code year, since ASME B31J was only an option then. For the 2020 code year, ASME B31J usage is mandatory, so there is no option to use Appendix D, as it no longer applies.

AutoPIPE How Does Your Pipe Stress Software Access ASME B31J i-Factors and k-Factors?

To speed up your analysis, there is no need to insert values from other third party products. Just click and go.

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