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Aude Camus Profile Image

by Aude Camus

On April 18, 1506, Pope Julius II laid the cornerstone of the worldā€™s largest church on the burial place of the Apostle Peter in Vatican City. More than five hundred years later, every detail of...

iTwin Recent Articles

Not too long ago, the application of digital twins in infrastructure seemed to be a distant reality. Today, we see a rapidly growing number of tangible examples of the benefits that digital twins are bringing to designing, building, and operating...

Cindy Ross Profile Image

by Cindy Ross

At Dublin City University (DCU) in Ireland, something very smart is happening. Leading-edge digital innovations are being conceptualized, developed, trialed, and tested in one of the worldā€™s most high-tech sandboxes. The DCU Glasnevin campus has transformed itself into a small-scale...

David Robertson Profile Image

by David Robertson

The winners have been announced for Bentley Educationā€™s first-ever Digital Twin Design Challenge! The contest invited studentsā€”aged 12 to 25 years oldā€”to reimagine a real-world location using the popular Minecraft videogame and Bentleyā€™s iTwin technology. Specifically, students were asked to:...

Steven Fruhwirth Profile Image

by Steven Fruhwirth

The question ā€˜Does the world have more wheels or doors?ā€™ has led to more lively debate and banter than many topics recently. The ā€˜wheelsā€™ advocates claim gears, cogs, and toy cars. The ā€˜doorsā€™ advocates cite houses, office blocks, and that...

Greg Demchak Profile Image

by Greg Demchak

Globally, we continue to witness the increasingly destructive impacts of climate change on human and natural systems. The increased frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events such as wildfires, floods, and droughts are costing lives, disrupting infrastructure, economies, and setting...

Rodrigo Fernandes Profile Image

by Rodrigo Fernandes

As was the case with BIM nearly 20 years ago, digital twins are now reshaping the built world in terms of how infrastructure is designed, constructed, and operated. The industry has always faced challenges managing the volume and variety of...

Adam Klatzkin Profile Image

by Adam Klatzkin