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Utilities & Communication Networks Recent Articles

A study was performed with an existing MStower model. The model was migrated to OpenTower Designer, and a comparative analysis was performed between different outcomes of the two software....
Apurba Tribedi Profile Image

by Apurba Tribedi

The global 5G rollout has put pressure on tower owners and carriers to make equipment changes as quickly and inexpensively as possible. Even without the major push for 5G and the tower upgrades that come with it, cell towers need...
Apurba Tribedi Profile Image

by Apurba Tribedi

With this increase in cost sharing, and interest in multiple carriers co-locating on the same structure, there is also an increase in load cases and loading scenarios being requested during an analysis cycle....

by Brian Rock

Telecommunications service providers can maximize the return on investment (ROI) for tower assets by embracing technology and modernizing asset detection....
Apurba Tribedi Profile Image

by Apurba Tribedi

Telecom industryā€™s transition to fifth-generation technology (5G) along with digitization of its infrastructure for 3D representation, document management, and colocation analysis will lead to the creation of smart cities that will revolutionize everyday lives....
Apurba Tribedi Profile Image

by Apurba Tribedi

Do you have remaining budget? Are you wondering what to do for your end of year budget spending? This article will provide guidance on how to spend your end of year budget when you have remaining funds that need to...

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by Bentley Expert

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