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Hydraulics & Hydrology

Hydraulics & Hydrology Recent Articles

No one wants to see wastewater flowing out through a manhole cover. No one wants wastewater flowing in their street. It can lead to regulatory enforcement actions in most places....
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by Tom Walski

FCVs are used to limit the maximum flow rate through the valve from upstream to downstream. FCVs do not limit the minimum flow rate or negative flow rate (flow from the To Pipe to the From Pipe)....
Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

If you pick up most water-related journals these days, it seems as if half the papers are devoted to applying some optimization techniques to solve some real problem. However, almost none of these methods actually find their way into water...
Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

Years ago, I came home from work one day, turned on the water faucet, and nothing came out. Usually, this would be an indication that there was some water system maintenance work being done in our neighborhood, but I didn’t...
Tom Walski Profile Image

by Tom Walski

In any reasonably sized system, it is necessary to solve thousands of simultaneous non-linear equations. Before computers came along, simplifications and approximations were needed to make the solutions possible....
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by Tom Walski

One of the first papers documenting the occurrence of negative transient pressure in water distribution systems was Walski and Lutes “Hydraulic transients cause low-pressure problems” (Journal AWWA) based on some work we did in Austin around 1990. There have been...
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by Tom Walski