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Success Story | Clark Construction Sea-Tac Airport

To enhance international passenger experience and advance the Puget Sound region as a leading tourism and business gateway, the Port of Seattle is building a new, expanded, 450,000-suqare-foot International Arrivals Facility (IAF). The project includes constructing a 345,000-square-foot, three-story grand hall, a new connecting international corridor, and an 85-foot-high pedestrian aerial walkway connecting the new grand arrivals hall with the airportā€™s South Satellite. Clark Construction was hired as the design-build contractor for the USD 968 million project that is the most complex capital development program in the history of the 71-year-old airport.

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Costs in SYNCHRO 4D Pro

In SYNCHRO 4D Pro, we can extend our 4D model towards 5D i.e Cost calculations. Here, the 5D is linked with 4D (3D + Time) which means the final cost will take into account both physical quantity and time-sensitive cost. This provides a better picture of the cost and reflects any changes in the 3D model or in the schedule.

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Quantity Take-Off in SYNCHRO Modeler Part – 2

This series introduces you to SYNCHRO Modeler and quantity-take off (QTO). This QTO feature is quite powerful when calculating the required items based on your cost-code configuration. This custom formula can calculate quantities by combining information from

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Dzhamgyr Mine – Project Implementation in Extreme Conditions

city of Almaty, Kazakhstan Facts ProjectWise and Bentleyā€™s open applications streamlined workflows and communication, optimizing scheduling across 500 worksites. Leveraging Bentleyā€™s modeling and visualization software facilitated simultaneous design and construction. Project Bringing Gold Production into Kyrgyzstan To eliminate exporting ore for processing and enable gold production within Kyrgyzstan, a decision was made in 2018 to build a gold plant in the mountainous Talas region, nearby the Dzhamgyr mine. The USD 75 million project included constructing the main building, a crushing and screening complex, a laboratory, storage pond, tailings storage facility, poison and ore storage areas, shift camps for operating personnel, and new roadways and accesses. AAEngineering delivered the winning bid for this engineering, procurement, and construction project that was located in a dangerously seismic area. In addition to the altitude and seismicity complications, AAEngineering had to overcome technical, engineering, and coordination challenges, as well as meet strict environmental standards amid a short construction period and an ensuing global pandemic. ā€œWithout using ContextCapture and OpenRoads, it is difficult to imagine the possibility of designing the multistage construction sites, on-site engineering works, roads, and highway spirals.ā€ Andrey AksyonovDirector of Information Modeling DepartmentAAEngineering Group Solution Open Applications Provide Integrated Solution AAEngineering selected ProjectWise

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